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Our programs have proven to be helpful for a wide range of people, including both females and males, although we mainly have women that join us. We have collected feedback from some of our amazing clients. Please take a moment to read their testimonials about their experience with our program.

Gemma Locans

Progress pictures of gemma going from lack of confidence to looking incredible and feeling incredible.

Gemma joined Aimee a couple of years ago wanting to get stronger and fitter.

They worked on her nutrition and started building her strength along with some new daily habits to add to her routine.

From PT, she then joined our online program where the mindset side from Louise massively helped her realise why she did some of the things she did & how to help her through these things.

From that, she then absolutely flourished && she became unstoppable!

Months on after doing our program, she still gets her steps in, she's more aware of what she's eating and she moves more! Her mindset is in a better place and she has the tools in place to deal with stress better.

She even said to us a couple of months ago that green dress didn't fit, now look at her!

Sarah Lillington

Sarah originally started PT with Aimee a few years ago, she learnt the basic lifts in the gym alongside how nutrition works. 

From that she started progressing and getting amazing results.

Through covid they did a lot of online training and then she decided to pick up the online program offered at Empower You.

After going back to work fully after covid, and getting a promotion she realised she was under a lot of stress and needed to get help to control her emotional eating, mindless snacking and other issues that rose from this.

She jumped on coaching calls every week and started to learn from Louise different techniques to help deal with her work situation. 

Emma gave her guidance on how she could get in control of her food and Aimee helped her devise a training program that fitted around her busy lifestyle!

Lets see what Sarah has to say about the Empower Program!

Kirsty Harvey

Our client kirsty has seen amazing results from being on our online program. 

Going from being unmotivated, not knowing what to do in the gym, lacking in confidence, experiencing low mental health, feeling sluggish all the time and not understanding what her body needed, toooooo....

Going to the gym 3 times a week, having a PT session with Aimee once a week, and recently started doing couch to 5k! Eating nutritious foods that fuel her body, whilst enjoying going out and socialising with her friends and family. 

She also took part in the 8 week challenge we ran and managed to get 21k steps in a day whilst having a job that requires her to sit behind a desk! 


She's prioritised her mental health and we have given her tips and techniques to be able to deal with stressful situations.

She's feeling allliivvveeee!

We loveeeee helping people and seeing them flourish is incredible! If you would like to get results like Kirsty, then give us a message!

Marc Brennan 

‘I don’t need to work on my mindset'.

One of our awesome clients, marc sent us this review just 5 weeks into doing the empower program!

He got incredible results!

He started off drinking all the fizzy drinks, not moving a lot & said he ate nothing all day and then was super hungry and ate a lot when he got home.

In the beginning, he was adamant that he didn't need to work on his mindset. He just needed exercise and nutrition guidance.

As he went through the program, he realised the mindset was the biggest bit that he needed to work on.

He realised he ate more than he thought he did at work, and his food choice wasn't always the best.

He realised he needed to change his thought process towards nutrition and exercise to make the changes he wanted to make.

He realised mindset was the issue he needed to sort.

He did that. He went through the 12 weeks and absolutely smashed it. 

He now has all the tools he needs to go out and complete the great South run - training for it a year in advance instead of just rocking up on the day and getting injured.


A tesitimonial from marc.
texts from our client lorna.

Lorna Newnam

Our client recently completed the Empower You program, after 12 weeks of building in habits that helped her prioritise herself she messaged out coach Aimee who does the exercise programs to say this.... (see screenshot).

When she first started she would sit at her desk for hours, no lunch time walks, always eating at her desk & then she would spend all evening running around after the kids, not thinking about what she was eating (normally just picking at whatever was available quickly). 

12 weeks on, she has no tightness in her back, she's having time to do little workouts, she gets away from her desk at lunch time to refocus and is actually way more productive && even though she is still ferries the kids around, she is more mindful about getting walks in and eating properly! She even manages to do this when her husband is away. 

Alongside the 12 week program, she also joined in on our 8 week challenge & still managed to hit 17k steps when she was busy at work, using little hints and tips that were written in the group.

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